Is Tijuana the New Medical Travel Destination for Americans?

As healthcare costs continue to rise in the United States, many Americans seek more affordable healthcare options. Many Americans have already sought dental care and pharmaceuticals in Mexico over the last several years.

As many Americans access to affordable insurance and healthcare options continue to be in question, more people will likely be forced to either forgo healthcare entirely or look for other options.

Many Americans are traveling to Mexico for dental procedures that are often much cheaper in Mexico, even after paying for airfare. Other common services include bariatric surgery and fertility treatments that aren’t even covered under most U.S. insurance plans.

Even with insurance, many people find that they can travel to Mexico and obtain services 40 to 60 percent cheaper than in the United States. Additionally, it can take months to see a doctor or have a procedure in the U.S., whereas Americans can get into doctors much more quickly in Mexico.

The most common city that Americans travel to for healthcare is Tijuana because it is just across the border. In fact, many people find it convenient driving to Tijuana from San Diego as it is only a short 40 minute drive.

Why Tijuana?

Because of the close proximity to the U.S. border and the fact that it is easy to cross the border into Mexico at Tijuana, makes it an ideal location for medical tourism. Add to that the luxury medical facility that also includes a spa and hotel and the idea of traveling to Mexico for healthcare becomes even more attractive.

Tijuana is a large city filled with both rich history and modern amenities as well as quality hospitals. The millions of visitors that travel to Tijuana for healthcare can also find a large variety of accommodations and activities to partake of while there.

Additionally, Americans are often regarded as overworked and in great need of true respite. Tijuana offers both great healthcare that is affordable and timely as well as the ability to take in tropical air and beauty to help ease overstressed workers.

Tijuana Travel Tips

Many people wonder how safe other parts of the world are and Tijuana is no different. Is Tijuana safe? According to the most recent report, Tijuana is considered a Level 2 for risk, suggesting to exercise caution, although any traveler should exercise caution any place they go.

Crossing the border is pretty simple if you know what you’re doing. There are two places to cross the border that are recommended, Pedwest and San Ysidro. You will also need to fill out a permit and have your passport handy.

Many people like the freedom of traveling with their own car while in Tijuana. However, as with anything, accidents can happen. For auto insurance in Mexico, Border Mexican Insurance Services has offered insurance services since 1987. Border Mexican Insurance is based in San Diego and offers more coverage than any of their competitors.

Tijuana is Becoming the New Medical Travel Destination for Americans

For many years now, Americans have been traveling out of the county for medical services. The rising costs of healthcare and decreasing access to services has caused many Americans to face simply going without needed care.

However, several years ago Americans because traveling to border towns in Mexico, like Tijuana. Healthcare providers in Tijuana have great medical training, access to state of the art equipment, and provide faster service than much of the healthcare providers in the United States.

For all of these reasons, many Americans have found renewed hope in Tijuana for their healthcare needs

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